

The TU Delft hole-in-wall bar is called /pub. Go *nix nerds.


Liz! said...

Just because you can close comments on that post...

Oh my! I love you!

<3 awesome!

ijenn said...

how can you close comments on that? seriously. it's not playing fair, and it's not like it would stop us anyway.

it's kind of funny you mentioned it though, because I was sitting in a restaurant with Rod the other day and there was a painting on the wall featuring a cafe with the sign 'brasserie'. I pointed it out as funny that the cafe would be named after women's lingerie, and then proceeded to make a bet with Rod about what it meant. After calling The Internet (Danielle), I found out the slight difference in the spelling... and lost the bet. I should have known, Rod is in French III. ohs well.

ps the dutch word is hilarious.

ijenn said...
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