

When I was in high school I used Photoshop at a web design job. I worked with an older graphics guy who taught me not only basic graphics techniques, but also random things, like how to create a fake photo with a man's head on a woman's body. He did this with one of my photographs, enlarging my nose and chin to enhance the effect. I showed this fake photo to my friends, all of whom thought it was hilarious. To impress them, I secretly put their heads on different bodies of women. When I showed them their "womanized" versions, they all freaked out. I asked them why, and they said it was cool when it wasn't their photograph.

Airbrushing isn't new, but I don't see the "behind the scenes" examples very often. While browsing around today, I came across an airbrush example I've seen a few times. The link below contains a women in a bikini but no nudity, so it might be NSFW depending on your workplace. You'll need to mouse-over the photo for the effect.


Another great example which is definitely safe for work is at:


Sometimes I wonder if most humans are like my friends in high school, only we don't know that the media plays tricks on us all day long. Or maybe we're supposed to know?

PS My face on a woman's body is hotter than 20% of women, according to HotOrNot.com. I don't think people were rating the face, though. No, I'm not going to post the photograph here. Yes, I'll close the comments on this post if I have to.


JD said...

don't worry, i'm sure that some day, someone will find you more than 50% attractive.

Jenn said...

The "angels with attitude" give me the creeps.

Liz! said...

I agree with Jenn...down right creepy! although I kinda think the blond was a little more creepy. the "kids" didn't have before and after like she did...

oh! and do me! do me! people are silly...although I think guys are a lot more hung up about being "masculine" than most girls are about being "feminine"

I think that someday I want a picture of me that looks like I'm a guy, photo-shopped to look like a girl...cause that could be so much fun to fuck with people...

JD said...

also i think you should post a picture of a woman's head on your body and see if that gets rated higher. then maybe a picture of just you, but say you're a chick.

oogRobot said...

Putting the head of a woman on a man's body is actually much trickier. I tried a few times but was never successful. The main problem is with the jawline. You can more easily shrink / eliminate part of the jawline than you can expand it out.