
Drawing the US

As a follow-up to my earlier post, I drew the U.S. today. I managed to get all the states, though a few have some major issues. I colored in what I meant to draw, and I'm not really sure what happened at the MO / IL / KY border...hmmm...

If you think you can do better you should give it a shot!


alison said...

We were drawing maps at work yesterday (in place of whiteboard graphs).

Comment from a coworker: "You can always tell when someone from MA is drawing these, because they put in Cape Cod. Whereas me, when I do it, the coastline goes straight down and then -- wait! there's Chesapeake Bay!"

Came back this morning and our map also included Great Britain, clearly, and a mysterious vaguely hexagonal island southeast of it. I had to ask. Somebody informed me it was France.

oogRobot said...

Yesterday == Sunday?

I did draw a map of Europe, but I'm too embarrassed to post it. Stupid former Yugoslav countries - they ruin everything.

alison said...

basically any time i say "yesterday" it should be interpreted as "sometime in the last week or so"

Liz! said...

alison, i wanna see ya'll's map!!

thanks fish...i love it!

alison said...

Come have lunch with me sometime before we erase it and I'll show you, Liz... :)