
100th Post

I made it to post 100. I think I have been posting too much, so I'm going to roll back my expectations for myself to four posts a month, with one of them a big post. Otherwise I think I will end up posting too many secondary links.

Things that I've learned:

- writing long posts is hard, but it has been good practice for my writing abilities
- most random links I still email to one person only. It has been tempting to post them to the blog, but I am happier when I don't
- comments are really rewarding, I now find myself leaving comments at other blogs (though I only rarely post a link back to my own).
- there was a lot to say about my big move at first, but I don't have much to say anymore
- I still have a few mementos ("I'll write about this later") that I haven't gotten around to researching. I thought I would find out about these things, but they haven't sprung up in conversation
- I now schedule a lot of my posts rather than write them on the spot.


Liz! said...

- I now schedule a lot of my posts rather than write them on the spot.


oogRobot said...

I write my posts beforehand, and try to re-read them (several times) before I post them.

I've started doing this weird thing were I accidentally exchange one word for another. I don't know if it has to do with learning another language, but it is really annoying when I look at what I wrote ex post facto.